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Networking Hardware

Performance 3000 Printer Server

Emulex Corporation

Performance 3 Printer Server is a flexible way of sharing up to fourhigh-speed parallel or serial printers among many UNIX and DEC users onan Ethernet network. It also provides the additional advantages ofoffloading host computers and allowing printers to be located longdistances from the computer room. Performance 3 Printer Server has thefollowing features:jobs to any parallel or serial printer connected to Performance 3,allowing expensive high-speed printers to be shared among all the userson a network.speeds up to 3 lines per minute on each of its four printer portssimultaneously.taken out of the computer room and put near the users.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Emulex Corporation
3535 Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 662-5600
        (800) 854-7112
Fax: (714) 241-0792